How To Become An Astronaut In BitLife: Step By Step Guide

Do you have a dream of becoming an astronaut and finding ways to make your dream come true? BitLife is a game that gives opportunities for multiple careers to its players. One of the most trending careers among the players is to become a BitLife Astronaut. Your good luck indeed depends a lot on your bright career. Your careful planning and good choices as a character are key to becoming an astronaut.

Becoming an astronaut in BitLife is not an easy challenge, it demands extra hard work like some other BitLife challenges. But, don’t worry. We will describe a complete step-by-step process to become an astronaut. This process leads you to reach the top ladder of BitLife astronaut.

What is BitLife Astronaut?

A BitLife astronaut is a character in the BitLife game who travels into space and explores space. This character entertains the adventure of outer space as part of the space program. Astronauts have been a part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration since 1959. NASA has three types of astronauts: candidates, active astronauts, and managers.

BitLife Astronaut

To become an astronaut in BitLife, you must have a smart look, be in good health, and Know a lot about science. Once a character meets these, apply to space agencies like NASA and ESA for the astronaut job. NASA picks a few astronauts from hundreds of candidates. Selected candidates do their duties for a good salary. 

How to become an Astronaut in BitLife: Simple steps

Before starting your journey towards Astronaut, first of all, you need to buy an astronaut expansion pack or Boss Mode in BitLife Mod APK. After buying the expansion pack, follow the procedure in order as in the following. This pack will unlock all premium features that will smooth your career.

Increase intelligence level

The first requirement to become an astronaut is to create an extra intelligence level from childhood. When a character wants to set his or her career in the Astronaut field, then he or she has to follow a specific path from an early age. A character can gain an extra intelligence level by:

  • Reading books
  • Visiting libraries
  • Getting education
  • Doing relevant jobs

Get a High school qualification

To become an astronaut, qualification is compulsory. So, a character should start basic qualification from high school. In high school, a character picks science and math subjects. They must also join several related activities. They should work hard and pass this basic qualification with good grades, which makes it easy to get admission to top colleges.

Get a degree in a special subject

After getting high school qualifications with good marks, apply to a top college. In college, study subjects like chemistry, physics, engineering, math, and technology. Get a higher education degree in any subject, as mentioned earlier. You should work hard and get maximum grades and marks. 

Maintain your health and fitness

As astronauts have to perform some hard duties that’s why their bodies need extra fitness. To maintain your body and health, join a gym and eat healthy food. Do regular exercises, walk properly, and prepare your body for physical fitness training. 

Go for pilot training

To become an astronaut, flight training is compulsory because an astronaut has to fly a space shuttle. Flying in space demands special skills. It requires a deep knowledge of aerodynamics, mechanics, and air patterns. NASA and other space agencies require astronauts to have at least 40 hours of flight training to apply for any job. 

Characters can get this training by joining any flight school under the activities tab. In training schools, they practice on commercial aircraft or private aircraft under a senior trainer. A character has to pay a fee in the form of dollars for flight training.

Get a License

After getting training from a school for a specific duration, get a certificate as a prove of your practical training. When you apply for the pilot license, examiners conduct a small test to assess your ability level. If you do not pass this test, you are not eligible for a pilot license. In case of failure, you have to repeat the training process again and then apply for a pilot license.

Apply and get a job

After finishing the qualifications and getting a training license, it’s the best time to apply for a job. keep updated with the job opening positions that any space agency announces. Maintain your good health and personality, as it will maximize your selection chances. So, after applying for the job, make good preparations for the final interview and wait for the selection letter. 

FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Every astronaut has a specific role. So, they perform multiple duties as per their roles. They perform duties like: 

  • Provide medical care to its members
  • Conduct experiments
  • Maintain spacecraft
  • Control robot machinery
  • Command junior astronauts
  • Perform research work
  • Complete missions as a member of a team

There is no fixed time to become an astronaut, it may vary from character to character. The character spends several years which depend on their hard work and intelligence to become an astronaut. 

Some basic requirements are necessary to become a BitLife Astronaut. These requirements are as follows:

  • Extra smartness/Intelligence
  • High school education
  • College Education
  • University education
  • Health Fitness
  • Pilot training
  • Pilot Practical Training License

There are many benefits for an astronaut, including the following:

  • contribute to scientific research
  • Explore space
  • Space tours
  • Remain physically fit
  • Remain mentally fresh
  • Get high salaries
  • Inspire others

Final Words

Although becoming an astronaut is possible in BitLife, but its journey is not easy. We have mentioned a complete BitLife Astronaut guide which help you to become an astronaut. It will lead to failure if characters miss any important step. Characters face many challenges in the whole journey from start to end. They need money to get an Astronaut job pack, a degree, and pilot training. They must be fit, smart, and good-looking to achieve their dreams. 

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