What Is A STEM Degree In BitLife & How To Get It : A Complete Guide

STEM Degree in bitlife

Are you dreaming of a bright future and finding ways to get it in BitLife Mod APK? BitLife is a game that allows its players to set their careers in any field, such as engineering, medicine, or education. There are some requirements to get a bright career, and one of them is to get a STEM degree in BitLife.

A STEM degree means getting a master’s degree in any subject of science, technology, engineering, or mathematics. When a character in the game obtains good grades in STEM degree grades, it helps to get an attractive job with a good salary package. However, getting this degree is not difficult, but it may be challenging in the BitLife game. 

But don’t worry,  we will describe a detailed step-by-step procedure to get a STEM Degree. 

How to get A STEM degree in BitLife: Easy Steps

There is a simple and easy process to get a STEM degree, follow this process in sequence:

Build strong kindergarten foundations

The journey to get a STEM degree starts at the time of the birth of a character. So, a character should focus on following things from childhood.

  • Reading books: Start the life of a character with high smart stats. To increase these stats, visit the library regularly to stay in touch with different types of books that interest them. A character who reads the books develops an interest in a specific line and increases intelligence. This is the initial stage where the dream of getting a BitLife STEM degree arises.
  • Take part in activities: The second most crucial step is for a character to participate in multiple practical activities in the related field. These activities also develop practical interest. 
  • Take a healthy diet plan: With study and practical activities, a healthy diet is compulsory. The character must eat energetic food, exercise, join the gym, and maintain a personality. It will keep the mind & body fresh.

Get a school Education properly

Three types of primary school education are compulsory for a character to reach the STEM degree. 

  • Go for  Elementary education: As the character grows up to the school-going age, get a proper elementary education. Do hard work and get good marks and grades. It is a basic level of education; it builds foundational skills in reading and writing of STEM subjects. 
  • Go for middle-class education: After getting the 5th-class education and basic concepts of STEM subjects, go for middle-class education. At this stage, a character in the school learns basic plus some advanced concepts. A character should go to school daily,  work hard, get good grades, and participate in school activities. 
  • Go for high school education: After getting elementary and middle-class education, get high school qualifications. This is the phase of education where you take the start-up of STEM subject specialization. Choose subjects related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Work hard and get good grades so that you can get admission to a good college.

Move towards College life

  • Apply to a college: After getting the certificate from high school, apply to a college for higher education.
  • Select STEM subjects: Choose the same subjects that you selected in high school.
  • Avail scholarship or study loan: If you face financial issues, you can take a study loan and pay your educational dues quickly.
  • Obtain good grades: Maintain your good grades at college so, you can apply for a good university on a merit base. You will get 4 years of education in college in particular STEM subjects.

Apply to a university and get a STEM degree

apply to a university
  • Apply to a University: After getting 4 years of education in a college, now apply to a university to earn a STEM degree.
  • Choose STEM subjects: Get specialization in those subjects that fall under the STEM category. 
  • Maintain good grades: Work hard and get good marks from university; it will help you get an attractive job. 
  • Enroll in practical activities: Take part in different related competitions conducted at the university, and join science clubs, robotics clubs, etc in the university. Avoid those activities that are harmful to your character. 
  • Finally, get a STEM Degree: When you get two years of education in a university after completing all basic level education (elementary, middle, high school, college), it is ensured that you have a STEM degree. The university will issue you a written degree proving you are a STEM degree holder.

Start your career

When you complete all your required education from Elementary to a Master’s degree, now your professional career life starts. Now, you can apply for any STEM specialist job. STEM degree offers you multiple job positions; here is a list of some STEM degree jobs in the following: 

  • Computer programmer
  • IT Specialist
  • Engineer
  • Astronomer
  • scientist

To search for any job mentioned above: Visit the “Jobs” section regularly and stay updated. When you find a job relevant to your degree, apply according to the required procedure. After hiring, give a satisfactory performance; in this way, you can get promotions quickly. After getting experience in a low position, apply for a higher position for professional development.

Requirements to get a STEM degree in BitLife

Any character interested in scientific subjects can get a STEM degree. But here are some specific requirements that are compulsory to fulfill.


To get the STEM degree, a character must reach 18 or above. If you are under age you can’t get a STEM degree.


A character must get good marks or grades on all educational levels. It will help you get admission to a famous university.  

Hard work

A character must do hard work from Kindergarten to a Master’s degree. Hard work is interlinked with getting an attractive job on a higher position.

FAQs- Frequently Asked Questions

Many subjects are considered part of the STEM category, but here is a list of some common subjects of this category:

  • Computer science
  • Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Biology
  • Information Technology

There are three ways through which you can handle your educational finances.

  • First, you must save some money at the back end and pay your fees with this amount.
  • Do hard work and get scholarships at the college level and university level. You don’t need to pay your university or college fees when you avail of the scholarship.  
  • You can join any part-time or full-time job. You can pay your fee using this salary amount. 
  • You can avail of a study loan to pay your fees.

You can join a job before completing your master’s STEM degree in BitLife. But no one will offer you a high-paying job. You can meet your small expenses but do not make savings. You can’t get an attractive salary before completing your degree. 

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